Chapter 2724 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep216
- Pam knelt there on the bed, wearing a too small, sinfully erotic, bra and panty set. Her daughter's boyfriend was bound, spread eagle next to her, his gorgeous freshly shaven genitals blatantly on display. And her deviously manipulative friend was perched on the other side of Ron, her robe mostly clinging to the perspiration coating her sleek, curvy form, yet somehow still managing to hang open and sway with her movements, to expose a tantalizing portion of each breast, her earlier efforts to keep retying the sash long abandoned.
- Beth had just explained in her most sincere voice the ludicrous plan as to how they had no choice but to essentially lick the remaining nail polish until it was no longer visible on Ron's penis and scrotum. Even though Pam had sucked on her friend's finger and some of her polish had been removed, she knew deep down that just like every other thing that had happened on this trip, Beth had maneuvered them into this situation. Furthermore, it was obvious that both Ron and Beth also knew the scenario had been100% orchestrated, yet it appeared everyone was willing to play along with these phony rationalizations, each more cockamamie than the one before. There seemed to be an unspoken understanding that this shared charade would provide each of them some sort of plausible deniability, not only for what they'd all done, and may yet do, but in the days to come, when they would each look Amy in the eye. Fueled by the drinks and the weed, her clouded mind couldn't even exactly recall how they had arrived at the point that she was seriously considering going through with Beth's naughty farce.
- Beth suddenly broke Pam's inebriated introspection, saying "So, Pam, you ready? This may take a bit, so we need to get started if we hope to have little Ronnie boy here all spic-n-span for Amy." Beth was thrilled she'd gotten Pam to this point, and was not going to let her back out now. She'd been fantasizing about this night for most of the past 4 days, and it had all played out too deliciously perfect to let it fall apart now.